Capabilities are system in Linux for dividing up privileges associated with root. Instead of running a command with sudo, giving a command full control over your system, capabilities allow you to give more limited access, such as capturing packets or controlling network interfaces.

Here we are interested in the following capabilities [1]:

    Perform various network-related operations:
      * interface configuration;
      * administration of IP firewall, masquerading, and accounting;
      * modify routing tables;
      * bind to any address for transparent proxying;
      * set type-of-service (TOS);
      * clear driver statistics;
      * set promiscuous mode;
      * enabling multicasting;
      * use setsockopt(2) to set the following socket options:
           SO_DEBUG, SO_MARK, SO_PRIORITY (for a priority outside
           the range 0 to 6), SO_RCVBUFFORCE, and SO_SNDBUFFORCE.

    Bind a socket to Internet domain privileged ports (port numbers less than 1024).

    * Use RAW and PACKET sockets;
    * bind to any address for transparent proxying.

Running a shell with CAP_NET_ADMIN

Running a shell with ambient capabilities [1] listed above will allow you to run any commands you need for network hacking without sudo and without giving excessive permissions.

Run this command to create a shell with networking admin capabilities [2]:

sudo setpriv --inh-caps "+net_admin,+net_raw,+net_bind_service" --ambient-caps "+net_admin,+net_raw,+net_bind_service" --reuid $USER --regid $USER --init-groups --reset-env $SHELL

Run this command to check that the capabilities were set correctly:

/usr/sbin/capsh --print
# Current: cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip
# Bounding set =cap_chown,cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search,cap_fowner,cap_fsetid,cap_kill,cap_setgid,cap_setuid,cap_setpcap,cap_linux_immutable,cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_broadcast,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_ipc_lock,cap_ipc_owner,cap_sys_module,cap_sys_rawio,cap_sys_chroot,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_pacct,cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_boot,cap_sys_nice,cap_sys_resource,cap_sys_time,cap_sys_tty_config,cap_mknod,cap_lease,cap_audit_write,cap_audit_control,cap_setfcap,cap_mac_override,cap_mac_admin,cap_syslog,cap_wake_alarm,cap_block_suspend,cap_audit_read,cap_perfmon,cap_bpf,cap_checkpoint_restore
# Ambient set =cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw
# Current IAB: ^cap_net_bind_service,^cap_net_admin,^cap_net_raw

Now you can use this shell to execute any commands that require network admin privileges (e.g. wireshark, ifconfig, bettercap) in a more-or-less normal environment without root access.

Creating an alias

If you don’t want to enter that long command every time you can create an alias by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

alias netadminsh='sudo setpriv --inh-caps "+net_admin,+net_raw,+net_bind_service" --ambient-caps "+net_admin,+net_raw,+net_bind_service" --reuid $USER --regid $USER --init-groups --reset-env $SHELL'

[1] Ambient capabilities are only available with Linux kernel 4.3 and above. In lower version kernels, capabilities can be given to a command by setting the permitted and effective bits, but they will not be automatically enabled for child processes, so you won’t be able to create a “privileged shell”. Using capsh to run commands if one option for older kernels. Another is simply to use sudo.

[2] Another similar command is:

udo capsh --caps="${capabilties}+i" -- -c "capsh --user=${calling_user} --addamb='${capabilties}' --"

It achieves roughly the same result, but doesn’t set up the user environment as nicely.